How much CFM and MPH a leaf blower needs depends on the debris. Although most fair with 400 to 700 CFM and 150 MPH, large yards with pine buildup need 900 CFM and 200 MPH.

Leaf blowers with higher CFM and MPH have fiercer airflow, but savvy shoppers select each spec separately. Thus, they comfortably clear leaves without committing overkill.

Our article examines:

How Much CFM Does a Leaf Blower Need?

350 – 450 CFM< ¼ acre – little debris
450 – 600 CFM< ¼ acre – a lot of debris
¼ – ½ acre – typical debris
600 – 750 CFM¼ – ½ acre – a lot of debris
½ – ¾  acre – typical debris
750 – 900 CFM½ – ¾ acre – a lot of debris
¾ – 1 ½ acres – typical debris
900+ CFM1+ acres – heavily wooded

Low CFM leaf blowers can’t dent large leaf piles. However, high CFM can damage gardens, lawn decor, and other delicate landscaping. As a result, variable-speed leaf blowers are ideal for most yards.

Lawns Vs. Patios:

  • Lawns: Even small lawns likely need at least 400 to 450 CFM.
  • Patios: Although most people prefer at least 350 CFM for patios, it’s possible to need just 300 CFM on light debris.

What’s CFM?

CFM means Cubic Feet per Minute, and it measures air volume. Hence, leaf blowers with greater CFM blow out more air. As a result, they push more debris with each blow, and the operator finishes cleanup quicker.

Typical Leaf Blower CFM

Most Leaf Blowers345 – 720 CFM
Average530 CFM
Weakest81 CFM
Strongest1,110 CFM

While 70% of leaf blowers have 345 to 720 CFM, some electric leaf blowers are as weak as 81 CFM. Please be leery of bargain basement blowers that lack adequate airflow.

However, the heftiest gas backpack leaf blower has 1,110 CFM. Although helpful for heavily wooded multi-acre properties, most homeowners don’t need that much might.

Leaf Blower CFM & MPH: Background Image: A man fromlegs down holding a leaf blower and blowing a bunch of leaves

How Much MPH Does a Leaf Blower Need?

110 MPHDry leaves
150 MPHWet leaves, Pine needles, Small twigs
200 MPHMuddy debris, Small branches, Pine needle buildup

Since leaf blowers with higher MPH clear heavier debris, homeowners with muddy debris, small branches, and pine needle build-up need leaf blowers with fast airspeed.

What’s MPH?

MPH describes a leaf blower’s airspeed. Thus, leaf blowers with greater MPH blow faster, allowing them to push heavier debris.

Typical Leaf Blower MPH

Most leaf blowers135 – 200 MPH
Average170 MPH
Weakest70 MPH
Strongest270 MPH

Around 70% of leaf blowers have an airspeed between 135 and 200 MPH, but some are as fast as 270 MPH or as slow as 70 MPH.

Leaf Blower Prices by CFM and MPH | Background image: a man is holding a leaf blower outside shops in the city. | Graphic: There's a thought bubble over the man's head. Inside the thought bubble is a bag of money with gold coins next to it.

Leaf Blower Prices by CFM and MPH

If you crave air volume and speed, expect to pay a premium. Undoubtedly, leaf blowers with higher CFM and MPH tend to cost more.

Cost by CFM

Air VolumeStandard Price Range, Low, & High
< 300 CFM$40 – $160
↓$28 ᐧ ↑$269
300 – 450 CFM$75 – $250
$29 ᐧ ↑$430
451 – 600 CFM$120 – $350
$49 ᐧ ↑$563
601 – 750 CFM$140 – $535
$68 ᐧ ↑$800
751 – 900 CFM$280 – $625
$90 ᐧ ↑$700
900 – 1,110 CFM$400 – $650
$255 ᐧ ↑$700

Cost by MPH

AirspeedStandard Price Range, Low, & High
< 110 MPH$65 – $180
$48 ᐧ ↑$469
110 – 145 MPH$90 – $260
$50 ᐧ ↑$700
150 – 190 MPH$100 – $430
$30 ᐧ ↑$800
200 – 270 MPH$135 – $530
$40 ᐧ ↑$700

Potency Price

We combined price, CFM, and MPH into one value to provide our readers with the overall cost of leaf blower potency. We call that value a leaf blower’s potency price.

Standard$1.15 – $3.75
Average $2.42
Lowest $0.41
Highest $7.20
How did Lawn Lobby calculate the potency price?

First, we calculated each leaf blower’s potency points:

Potency Points = [(.36 × CFM) + (.64 × MPH)] ÷ 3

Then, its potency price:

Potency Price = Price ÷ Potency Points

What about blowforce? MPH and CFM combine to calculate blowforce. Typically given in Newton’s (N), a leaf blower’s blowforce describes the total potency of its air. Unfortunately, most manufacturers don’t release this spec.

How did Lawn Lobby come up with potency points? First, we compared MPH, CFM, and N on models with that data. Then, we tested the potency point formula on those models. The formula was finalized once we ensured its significance.

As blow force increases, so does a leaf blower’s potency price.

CFMAverage Potency Price
< 350$1.90
350 – 450$1.95
451 – 550$2.45
551 – 650$2.50
651 – 750$2.95
751 – 850$3.25
> 850$3.20

However, some cheap electric leaf blowers have puny CFM coupled with fast MPH.

⚠️ Regardless of airspeed, a leaf blower with less than 300 CFM isn’t going to move much. Thus, these air-anorexic models are among the cheapest, and least potent leaf blowers.

MPHAverage Potency Price
< 120$2.05
120 – 145$2.10
150 – 175$2.65
180 – 205$2.50
≥ 210$2.65

Handheld Vs. Backpack Leaf Blower CFM and MPH

Most HandheldsMost Backpacks
300 – 630 CFM515 – 875 CFM
115 – 190 MPH165 – 235 MPH
$70 – $280$285 – $600

When comparing handheld vs. backpack leaf blowers, backpack models have significantly more CFM and MPH. Additionally, backpack blowers cost more.

CFM – HandheldCFM – Backpack
Most: 300 – 630
Average: 465
Most: 515 – 875
Average: 700
MPH – HandheldMPH – Backpack
Most: 115 – 190
Average: 155
Most: 165 – 235
Average: 200
Potency Price – HandheldPotency Price – Backpack
Most: $0.85 – $3.05
Average: $1.95
Most: $2.80 – $4.00
Average: $3.55

Gas Vs. Electric Leaf Blower CFM and MPH

When comparing electric vs. gas leaf blowers, CFM and MPH are critical components.

Handheld Leaf Blowers

Handheld leaf blowers price, CFM and MPH by Power Source

Gas leaf blowers: $125 - $250, 400 - 480 CFM, 145 - 195 MPH Corded Electric Leaf Blowers: $50 - $100, 220 - 630 CFM, 120 -215 MPH Battery blowers: $125 - $250, 325 - 630 CFM, 105 - 175MPH

Backpack Leaf Blowers

Most Gas BackpacksMost Battery Backpacks
500 – 900 CFM575 – 775 CFM
180 – 240 MPH145 – 185 MPH
$275 – $570 $330 – $700
$2.70 – $3.65 Potency Price$3.25 – $5.40 Potency Price
Man with a leaf blower in a residential yard with a house in the background

FAQ: Leaf Blower CFM and MPH

1. How does a leaf blower’s nozzle impact CFM and MPH?

Because more air can come out larger openings, round nozzles increase CFM. However, they also decrease MPH. Conversely, flat nozzles increase MPH while reducing CFM.

2. What’s the best budget leaf blower for 1+ acres?

After conducting comprehensive research, we found the best budget leaf blowers for over an acre:

  • Schröder – 920 CFM / 230 MPH / $330*: The Schröder SR-6400L is robust and reliable. Furthermore, it has enough airflow to comfortably clear over an acre, even with a lot of trees. more info
  • ENHULK – 930 CFM / 200 MPH / $240*: With a 27 N blow force, it’s mightier than any other handheld. Likewise, its brut brawn beats every other electric leaf blower. Additionally, it has a long runtime. As a result, it’s the only battery-powered leaf blower I recommend for heavy-duty debris. more info
  • Prorun – 1,020 CFM / 240 MPH / $399*: The Prorun PBB2884 is a pleasing pick for prodigious tree-packed properties. With a 42 N blow force, it offers plenty of power for a puny price. more info
  • RYOBI – 760 CFM / 175 MPH /$279*: It’s a great budget buy leaf blower for modestly wooded yards over an acre. more info
  • Husqvarna – 765 CFM / 270 MPH / $350*: The Husqvarna 150BT has lightning fast airspeed and a 22 N blow force. Hence, I recommend it for 1-acre yards with mud or pine needle build-up. more info

*Prices are sourced at publishing and subject to change.

3. What leaf blowers have the most CFM and MPH?

Next, we uncover the most potent leaf blowers:

  • Echo PB9010T: 48 N / 1,110 CFM / 220 MPH / more info
  • Shindaiwa EB910RT: 48 N / 1,110 CFM / 220 MPH / more info

4. What’s the best budget leaf blower for under 1/4 acre?

Leaf removal on a leash can save you bookoo bucks since corded electric leaf blowers are the best budget buy for small yards. But I found the best bargains:

  • Hyper Tough – 330 CFM / 150 MPH: First, we have Hyper Tough’s budget blower. It’s available at Walmart for just $29*.
  • Greenworks – 530 CFM / 130 MPH: Next, Greenworks’ affordable handheld is at Harbor Freight for $45*.
  • Sun Joe – 615 CFM / 180 MPH: At last, we were wowed by the Sun Joe SBJ702E, because it comes with a leaf vacuum kit and is just $69* at Lowe’s.
  • Craftsman – 450 CFM / 260 MPH: Finally, a 3-in-1 leaf blower/vacuum/mulcher that’s as quiet as a mouse with a budget-friendly price. Although it’s a steal at the regular price of $90*, it’s currently on sale at Amazon for $70*.

However, homeowners who are willing to pay a little more to nix the cord should consider these cordless leaf blowers:

  • ENHULK – 460 CFM / 190 MPH / Battery: Although it’s one of the most affordable battery-powered models, it has enough airspeed to clear pine. more info
  • Full Boar – 506 CFM / 111 MPH / Battery: It’s a frugal find for clearing lightweight debris, such as dry leaves and grass clipping. more info
  • Troy-Bilt – 400 CFM / 180 MPH / Gas: Among gas-powered models, it’s one of the best budget buys. To illustrate, it has a spring-assisted starter, adjustable speed, and plenty of power to clear pine. Thus, we were filled with glee to see Arbor‘s pricing—just $90*. Additionally, Home Depot sells it for $110*.
  • Hyper Tough – 400 CFM / 150 MPH / Gas: With Walmart selling it for $114*, it’s the best budget cordless blower/vac.

*Prices are sourced at publishing and subject to change.

Learn to Love Lawn Care by Buying the Best Tools

Howdy, I’m Leah, a technical writer specializing in lawn care power tools. With a passion for penny-pinching and an MS in economics, I also keep a keen eye on cost.

Recently, I launched Lawn Lobby to help homeowners make prudent power tool purchases. If there’s a topic you want me to cover, please reach out via Facebook or IG. You can also help me make more ad-free content by buying me a coffee.

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